Book Subscriptions

How it works:

Every month, you (or your recipient) can choose from a curated list of our favorite new releases (hardcover) in a specific genre.  The Book of the Month will automatically be sent directly to your specified address. Whether you are looking to expand your personal library with fresh perspectives or gifting a reader in your life a curated selection of the best new releases, a subscription from the Hummingbird Books will keep you reading all year long. 

Fulfillment will begin January 2024. Shipping charges are included. If you are interested in signing up, please visit the store or fill out the order form linked below and email the completed form to Shelley McHale ( Once your information is received, Hummingbird books will reach out to you to confirm your request and run payment. Feel free to call the store at (617) 487-5101 with any questions.

Fiction of the Month - Hardcover Only


3 months - $115

6 months - $230

1 year - $460

Adult Non-fiction - Hardcover Only


3 months - $115

6 months - $230

1 year - $460

Poetry of the Month


3 months - $85

6 months - $170

1 year - $340

Cookbook of the Quarter - Only Available on an Annual Basis


1 year - $195

Children’s Picture Book of the Month


3 months - $80

6 months - $160

1 year - $320

Middle Reader Book of the Month - Hardcover


3 months - $80

6 months - $160

1 year - $320

Middle Reader book of the Month - Paperback


3 months - $55

6 months - $110

1 year - $220

Young Adult Book of the Month - Hardcover


3 months - $80

6 months - $160

1 year - $320

Young Adult Book of the Month - Paperback


3 months - $65

6 months - $130

1 year - $260

LARGE PRINT Book of the Month - Paperback


3 months - $120

6 months - $240

1 year - $480

Store Pick-up:

3 months - $95

6 months - $190

1 year - $380

Store Pick-up:

3 months - $95

6 months - $190

1 year - $380

Store Pick-up:

3 months - $70

6 months - $140

1 year - $280

Cookbook of the Quarter - Only Available on an Annual Basis

Store Pick-up:

1 year - $170

Store Pick-up:

3 months - $65

6 months - $130

1 year - $260

Store Pick-up:

3 months - $65

6 months - $130

1 year - $260

Middle Reader book of the Month - Paperback

Store Pick-up:

3 months - $40

6 months - $80

1 year - $160

Store Pick-up:

3 months - $65

6 months - $130

1 year - $260

Store Pick-up:

3 months - $50

6 months - $100

1 year - $200

Store Pick-up:

3 months - $105

6 months - $210

1 year - $420


